Thursday, December 27, 2012

2012. Photos of the Year

View the best photos of 2012 from The Wall Street Journal organized by date, category and location . They represent the key moments of the year. They're worth seeing. Click on the image

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Merry Christmas and happy 2013

It was first broadcast in 1990...
He's got more than 30 million fans on Facebook...
This series has been sold to 190 territories...
It has won an International Emmy and the Golden Rose of Montreux.
Have a look at this brand new website.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Certificats d'anglès de l'Escola Oficial d'Idiomes. Convocatòria extraordinària

El Departament d'Ensenyament organitza les proves de règim lliure per a l'obtenció dels certificats de nivell intermedi i de nivell avançat d'anglès. El primer correspon a 390 hores lectives i al nivell B1 del Consell d'Europa i el segon, a 650 hores lectives i al nivell B2 del Consell d'Europa.
La inscripció dóna dret a fer un únic examen que consta d'una prova escrita i una prova oral. Teniu exàmens de prova enllaçats a la pàgina Official English Exams del Bloc d'Anglès de l'Institut.
Per presentar-se a les proves cal:
  • Acreditar que s'ha superat el segon curs d'ESO.
  • Tenir com a mínim quinze anys o complir-los durant l'any de la inscripció a la prova. 
INSCRIPCIÓ: del 26 de novembre (a partir de les 9 hores) fins al 30 de novembre de 2012 per via telemàtica a
Només es pot fer la inscripció en règim lliure, és a dir, no us hi podeu inscriure si esteu matriculats a l'EOI com alumnes oficials. 
Més informació a la pàgina de l'EOI de Badalona i a

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Fonix 2013

Do you want to take part in the English Competition The Fonix?  Once again we are going to join THE FONIX 2013 (The Sixth English Competition for Catalan Schools), which is designed to promote the use of English among school students through a fun and educational competition in an informal educational setting. Participation is free. 
The competition is financed exclusively by the organisers (International House Barcelona and the Fundació Catalana de l'Esplai) and the sponsors (Cambridge University PressEl Corte Ingles, and Netlanguages). The competition also receives support from the Department of Education of the Government of Catalonia, as part of its plan of excellence for the promotion of the use of English in schools.
Here you will find related information and links about rulesprizes or the calendar
If you're interested in taking part, talk to your English teacher.

For information in Catalan, click here.
For information in Spanish, click here.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome back! A Game or a Video?

We hope you've had a nice summer holiday!  

A Game or a Video? You choose...

What's the picture? You have 20 seconds to beat the clock. The faster you guess, the more you score. A really fun way to learn vocabulary!

Britain's Got Talent
Steven Hall is 53 years old. He can do something amazing. Can you guess what it is? Watch and find out!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Natural Disaster News

Listen to the following news reports about natural disasters created by our ESO 2 students.
Earthquake in Mexico

Tsunami in the Indian Ocean

Earthquake in Sumatra

Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

Mega Tsunami in Alaska

Tsunami in Japan

Tsunami in 2011

Friday, June 22, 2012

Game Reviews

Are you looking for a way to chill out during your summer holidays? Do you feel like playing? Our ESO 2 students recommend some of their favourite games. Have a look! 

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Friday, June 15, 2012

The Withered Arm. Mind Maps

These are some of the Mind Maps ESO 2 students created about the novel The Withered Arm  by Thomas Hardy, Oxford Bookworms Stage 1.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Gamer

Geek Guy is a gamer and he wants not only the new part of “The Game”, but also the Collectors Edition of it. He is so lazy that he tried to buy it online but it was impossible, so he came to The Games Shop to ask for it to his friend Saleswoman. This dialogue was written and performed by Àgata and Andrés.  Geek Guy, the audio.

The cemetery

The action takes place in a small cemetery full of cypress trees in the outskirts of London. It is night, closing time, and you can feel the deepest solitude there. A bleak old man is alone in front of a little tomb crying and the gravedigger goes to him...This dialogue was written and performed by Jaume and Marc. The Cemetery, audio file.

Give Him a Chance

Jane and Lucy are best friends and they are spending their weekend at Lucy’s cottage. Jane tells Lucy that she has made up with her handsome but problematic boyfriend, whom she knows Lucy can’t stand. This dialogue was written and performed by Aina and Eugènia. Give him a Chance, audio file.

Global Warming

In an old British village, next to the River Thames, there were two scientists who were often arguing about things they worried about. One day, they decided to go to a café to talk about a very important problem nowadays, climate change. This dialogue was written and performed by Miguel, Albert and Alexis. Global Warming, audio file.

More dialogues...